Thursday, August 12, 2010

Am I finally making sense?

There is always so much that seems to happen in my days and weeks that time just seems to fly!!!  Since my last post some interesting things have transpired to make me believe that I may FINALLY be making sense to Mitch and Carson at least :)  But I also believe I have learned a bit from them and grown from it and that may be just as important as them learning and growing.

I have been focusing on healthy eating at home for quite some time now.  Substituting ground turkey for beef, grilled chicken for steak, etc.  Not all the time, but more and more.  The kids, along the way, have grumbled a bit from the "Chicken again?" to  "Why can't we just have regular hamburgers?" (even though there isn't much of a taste difference).  I have defended the meals by saying they are healthier for you, you feel better when you eat healtier, etc.  Anything to convince them that it is just BETTER for them because that is what mom's do :)

Well, these first 2 weeks in August, Mitch and Carson have been at their dad's.  The first week went great, then I get the call that both boys have been sick for a couple of days.  Not being able to hold even water down, but no fevers.  It started Saturday, I found out Sunday.  By Monday, Mitch called crying because he felt so bad.  He said he felt worse and Carson wasn't getting any better either.  I called my mom (thank you mom) and had her go check on them.  I also called their dad and suggested they go to the doctor.  He took them and after both receiving an IV and some medicine, they were sent home.  Mitch called on Tuesday, he felt great but Carson still didn't.  Then came the next shock....he had lost 8 pounds in those three days and Carson had lost 9 pounds (about 1/8 of his weight).  For those of you who don't know him very well, Carson didn't have 1 extra pound to lose and 9 is just out of the question. Carson told me he still wasn't eating much and when he stood up he was dizzy.  Of course...his body was not getting enough nutrients!!! 

So, for the last couple of days the boys have been calling wondering what they should eat.  Mitch even said, "Mom, I think I need to come home and eat some of your chicken or grilled salmon or something good."  To me that was the great break through number 1!  Am I finally making sense to them?  They are starting to realize you feel better when you eat better.  Even Carson called and said, "It French Toast better than regular toast to eat?"  For them absolutely YES, it has carbs, protein, etc.

I think the next big break through was that both boys realized that while being at dad's when they feel great is fun, being away from mom when they are sick is sad and lonely.   I also realized that when the boys are home and sick it is much easier and less stressful to deal with than when they are 190 miles away and I can't see them, touch them, or try to make things better for them.

Break through number 3 came when I realized they are growing boys and it is okay to let them splurge as long as it is not on an everyday basis AND as long as they are also eating properly.  They need more fatty, high carb, high protein foods.  They need to be able to feed their ever grown minds and bodies.  As, I'm sure many grandmothers have said, we need to get some meat on those bones.  But, shhhhhh, let's keep this to ourselves and that way they will be more excited about the changes that are coming their way!!!

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